Revenue Information

Revenue information for the Haines City Water Control District

Revenue Information

The proposed Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget of the Haines City Water Control District (the “District”) is supported by non-ad valorem taxes from 2,772 acres (1,280 parcels) that are located within the District.  Each acre is assessed at $50 per acre or any portion thereof. The annual assessment is reflected on Polk County property tax statements for landowners within the District’s jurisdictional boundaries.

The District's estimated revenue for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, including the $5 per-parcel collection cost, will be approximately $145,000.

The District’s fiscal year begins October 1 and ends September 30 of the following year. The tentative budget is presented to the Board of Supervisors in August of each year, and the final budget is approved in September. A financial report is provided at each Board of Supervisors meeting and is made part of the meeting minutes.

Questions regarding the accuracy and identification of lands within the District’s boundary should be directed to Secretary Jazmine Beltran at 321-541-5339.  All other questions regarding your property tax statement, other assessments or payment schedules should be directed to the Polk County Tax Collector.

As required by Chapter 218, Florida Statutes, the Haines City Water Control District submits annual financial reports to the Florida Department of Financial Services.  For more information, visit

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